On October 26, 2022 we organised in Cyprus the closing meeting of the “Artificial Intelligence in Adult Education (AIAE)” project, which was co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
During this 2 year project our consortium composed of Studio 2B (Germany), emcra GmbH (Germany), Stati Generali dell’Innovazione (Italy) and Step Institute (Slovenia), developed an internationally applicable curriculum and a modular basic course for adult education.
We shared with our delegates a brief history of Artificial Intelligence, going back to Alan Turing and the Turing Test, which was passed by a chatbot in 2014, and John McCarthy’s “Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence” in the Summer of 1956, all the way to the retirement of the Go champion by Google’s AlphaGo AI system.
We discussed the Challenges & Opportunities this sweeping technology presents for our economies and societies and the 6 Intellectual Outputs of the AIAE Project:
1. Canon of knowledge on Artificial Intelligence (AI),
2. Audio snippets based on experts’ interviews,
3. Toolkit for competencies development in AI beginner courses,
4. Pedagogical online platform,
5. Didactic concept and teaching,
6. Train-the-trainer workshops.
We also discussed the ethical principles and the governance and other mechanisms required in order for AI to better serve humanity.
Our associates at Novum International implemented the pilot part of our event and shared the experiences and knowledge gained from their participation in our train the trainer workshop in Berlin.
If you are interested in the project and its results you can visit the project’s website, hosted on our coordinaotr’s website (https://www.studio2b.de/aiae-en/).