LT Synergy

International Alliances:

The GRC Essentials certification

The GRC Essentials project is nearing its completion. The project began with a kick-off meeting in Sofia, right before the COVID 19 pandemic and despite all the challenges, our consortium managed to see the project through, with the final multiplier events scheduled to run in each of the participating countries by November 2021.

While all four intellectual outputs, developed under the framework of the project, have been considered of added value by our target groups, the GRC Essentials certification appears to draw a lot of attention.

The pilot tests in each of the five participating countries, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece and Hungary have been completed, with over 100 individuals following the full cycle of attending our online course and piloting the certification exam, utilizing our learning platform.

The combination of the five disciplines of the project which expand beyond the three pillars of Governance, Risk and Compliance into Project and Data Governance, constitute the certification a challenging task.

The GRC Essentials One methodology, our step-by-step iterative approach aimed at guiding companies of all sizes on how to implement GRC Essentials in their work environment, is both apprising for those interested to comprehend the reasoning of the project’s concept but also challenging when being tested along with five other learning areas.

Some of our testers found the GRC Essentials definition of corporate governance, “The strategic and functional mindset that allows organisations of all sizes, including SMEs micro-enterprises, to operate efficiently and effectively and exceed the expectations of their stakeholders”, innovative and insightful, while others found the data governance part of the examination intimidating in terms of the things they need to do in the data protection area. The compliance part of the exam was also noticeable as it enabled our target groups realize the complexity but also the importance of complying with applicable laws and regulations.

Overall, the certification part of the project has proved essential in instigating the interest of our target groups in exploiting how the areas of Governance, Risk and Compliance can support them in overcoming the challenges of today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environment.

Our fully functional GRC Essentials platform ( can now support our target groups initiate their journey towards supporting their organisations to become efficient, effective and resilient!