LT Synergy

International Alliances:

GRC Essentials – Multiplier event, Nicosia

On October 25th our team held the multiplier event of the GRC Essentials project, a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + programme. The event was held at the Journalists House in Nicosia.

Two years after our kick-off meeting in Sofia and despite the challenges brought by the pandemic, our consortium managed to complete the project and deliver a set of high quality outcomes.

We discussed the foundation of our project, which is today’s VUCA world and presented the project’s outputs, a curriculum, an online learning platform, a certification and a work-based methodology, that can support organisations of all sizes to both tackle the challenges but also capitalise on the opportunities presented in today’s Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world!

We would like to thank all delegates and our coordinator PCX Computers & Information Systems for attending our event!

You can visit the project’s website ( or contact us to find out more.