LT Synergy

International Alliances:


Corporate Governance assessment

Corporate governance frameworks must be revised to ensure their effectiveness and applicability to the business environment, especially during periods of significant changes and instability.

We can support organizations to analyze, review and enhance their corporate governance framework and relevant business practices.

A structured and iterative approach, tailored to the specific needs of each organization, enables us to:

Corporate Governance assessment
Corporate governance feedback


Board of Directors development

The efficient running and development of the Board is the responsibility of the Chairperson. We can support organizations to undertake the following actions:

  • Clearly define the roles of the Chairperson, the Chairs of Board Committees and each director.
  • Develop an effective performance evaluation process.
  • Create a development plan and an appropriate succession structure.
  • Develop an induction pack and training for new members.
  • Identify and cover the knowledge and skills gap in the board composition.


Board Succession planning

The ultimate goal of the Board of Directors is to increase shareholders’ value. The succession planning of the Board should not be limited to the Chief Executive Officer, members of the senior management team and key personnel. It should be extended to the Board itself.

Succession planning includes the assessment of knowledge, skills and competency gaps in the existing Board composition and any shortfalls that may emerge from the retirement or resignation of Board members.

Depending on the company size, the responsibility for the succession planning process usually lies with the Nominations Committee of the Board and the shareholders. We can support in the following:

  • Developing a list of candidates.
  • Interviewing and recommending candidates and
  • Ensuring that new directors receive appropriate induction training.
“Winning companies win because they have good leaders who nurture the development of other leaders at all levels of the organization.”
Noel Tichy
corporate secretary


Company Secretary consulting

According to the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, “All directors should have access to the advice of the company secretary, who is responsible for advising the board on all governance matters. Both the appointment and removal of the company secretary should be a matter for the whole board.”

We support organizations to establish an efficient and independent corporate secretarial function that will enable the Board to focus on making the right strategic decisions and safeguard the interests of stakeholders.


Corporate Policy development

A sound corporate governance framework must be supported by well documented policies properly approved by the Board, setting the “tone from the top”.

We support organizations to establish and update their corporate governance framework by implementing practices and policies appropriate to their business environment and modus operandi.

The following are some of the policies we can expand on:

  • Terms of reference for the Board and its committees.
  • Strategy development document.
  • Succession planning.
  • CEO evaluation policy.
  • Board self-evaluation.
  • Corporate governance manual.

Verba volant, scripta manent!

Spoken words fly away, written words remain!

Latin Proverb