LT Synergy

International Alliances:

According to Gartner, Inc., “Regulatory compliance is concerned with laws that a business must obey, or risk legal sanctions, up to and including prison for its officers”.

Regulatory compliance is the set of processes through which an organization conforms to the laws and regulations imposed by the legal and regulatory framework it operates in. Failure to comply with the regulatory framework may have a severe impact on the long-term success and reputation of an organization.

As everyone is affected by fraud and illegal activities, responsible organizations have an obligation towards their clients, investors, shareholders and society at large to help fight financial crime. In today’s highly regulated and globalized business environment it is imperative to implement the highest standards in compliance practices.

In collaboration with our partners we provide specialized consulting services and innovative software solutions that enable banking, financial and other institutions to meet regulatory expectations. We emphasize in optimizing the Anti Money Laundering (AML), Know Your Customer/Customer Due Diligence (KYC/CDD), transaction monitoring and sanctions screening processes and policies, as well as in implementing regulatory programs adapted to the size and business environment of organizations.

At the same time, we ensure that compliance efforts are effective and seamless to the client, regardless of how iterative and intensive a process is in the background.

We can also support you in identifying, analyzing, mitigating and monitoring enterprise risks that might compromise strategic objectives.

  • Who it applies to: The wider financial sector (banking, insurance companies, forex, payment services, fintechs), and regulated industries (stock exchange listed, investment funds, law firms, accounting firms, the shipping industry, pharmaceuticals etc).

Find out how we can support your AML and KYC team.